Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today I had the great privilege to photograph the Delaney family.  I was greeted at the door by their son Grant.  He was a little shy at first which is normal for any 2 year old, but that soon changed.  While he was warming up to me, we decided to take some pictures of their daughter Stella.  A gorgeous baby girl who is only 5 weeks old.  It is imperative that you keep a baby warm while you are photographing them.  I had Holli(mom) use a warming blanket underneath a blanket that we were using to lay Stella down on.  I should have told her before I came over to get one ready so it would already be warmed up, but it had slipped my mind.  If you don't keep the baby warm they tend to be a little more moody.  When photographing kids, it is a must that you be patient, you are on their time and not the other way around. 

I took some photos of Stella and then moved my way over to Grant's room.  From my experience with kids it is always better to get on their level, don't hover over them and make sure that you are not pushy at all.  I don't really like to pose kids because at this age you really want to capture their personality.  Grant is an energetic, bright young boy.  It didn't take long for him to open up and start calling me by my name.  When my job was done, I said my goodbyes and got a nice big hug from Grant.

When taking on the job of photographing a family, don't look as it as just another job, look as it as a privelege.  Hopefully the pictures you take will be shown for generations to come and that is why I always try and get people to print their photos because there is something about a printed image that takes on another life.  It's ok to post photos on facebook to share with your family and friends but more than likely, facebook will not be here hundreds of years later and that printed photo you have will.  I always go back and look at my pictures when I was young and I wish that I had more of them.

Here are a couple pics from today.  Day 7/365 "Life is a "trip"...." project

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