Sunday, October 30, 2011

New Bern, NC

Sorry I know I missed two days in a row and it's because I was in New Bern, NC as a second shooter in  a wedding.  New Bern is a quaint town located northeast of Charlotte, NC about 4.5 hours away.  The couple, Greg and Lindsay were really a joy to shoot. 

I manned the photobooth which was soooo much fun, lots of good times.  To me, the funniest people were the elderly couples who let loose once they got their different props on.  I suggest anyone who is getting married to ask your photographer if they provide this service, it is definitely worth it, your guests will love it and you will come away with a ton of cute pictures.

I woke up really early this morning to go down to where they dock the boats in New Bern.  I arrived just before the sun was rising, I set up my tripod, and flipped on the power switch to my camera, only to find out....I left my battery charging in the hotel room.  Smooth.  So, needless to say, by the time I got back, the sun had already risen but I made the best out of it and took some photographs of the boats and such.

Here are just a couple shots from the weekend.

Click to Enlarge

Click to Enlarge

Day 29/365

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