Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No more monkey on my back

It's tough being a coach, you are a hero when you are winning and the dumbest person in the world when you lose.  Everyone has opinions and they aren't afraid to express them, maybe not to your face, but none-the-less, they are there.  I always hear chitter chatter on the sideline from parents when I am photographing the games and it makes me laugh when they are criticizing the coaches.  If they really only knew how much preparation and work goes into a game, maybe they would be more sympathetic....maybe not.  Not everyone can hold that position of coach/mentor/role-model/disciplinarian/friend/motivator.  It's not easy and I definitely wouldn't want it.  Some people are made for it, others aren't. 

My boy Oneill Palmer got his first win today as head coach and Matt Shinall as defensive coach and I hope the weight on your shoulders is a little less.  It's hard taking over a coaching position when in the previous season they had went undefeated.  There is a lot of expectation with that position.  As well as I know him though, he will pull through and come out on top win or lose.

I have to say, the defense killed it today, something like five turnovers with like three of them being returned for touchdowns.  This pic here is when Henry Ryan rushed the quarterback, made him fumble, picked up the ball and ran in for a touchdown.  At that time the score was 7-6, Cavaliers.  The touchdown made the game 14-6 and to me, it was the turning point of the game.  They ended up winning 41-6.

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Day 10/ is good.

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