Thursday, October 27, 2011

Misty Morning

Today I woke up real early and decided to go on an adventure.  Not many times am I up this early to shoot pictures.  I drove out to the Mt. Pleasant area and also midland.  The weather was beautiful and so was the sunrise.  The sun is so beautiful at this time of the morning and it makes everything glow.   It seems the leaves are reaching their peaks around this area and the scenery was beautiful.  I had so many photo opportunites I was pulling off on the road every 5 minutes.  I was in a corn field and a cop stopped to ask if that was my car parked down the street.  He said there were a lot of break-ins in the area and just wanted to make sure that it was my car.  I thought he was going to tell me to leave  but he just kept it moving.

This is one shot at a location I drove past and turned around to come back to.  There was still a little mist on the ground as the sun was rising higher into  the sky.  You can see the sun start to peek through the trees and the sun rays shining down onto the pasture. 

Click to Enlarge

Day 28/365