Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Master Your Craft

Whether your passion is painting, poetry, music, modeling, washing clothes, serving people, cleaning toilets, it to the best of your ability and practice, practice, practice.  Take every chance you get to improve your abilities.  Never take any job for granted.  Become the best "you".  Follow your own path.  Study the "greats".  Study books.  Study people.

I learned something about myself in this picture, shadows do not work well on my nose, they make my nose look a hundred times bigger than it is.  That is something that you have to take into account when you are photographing people.  Not everyone looks good in the same light.

Technical Info:

Lens:  50mm 1.4 set at f/8 for 1/125sec.

Lighting:  Beauty dish overhead, with a silver reflector in front to add just a little bit of fill light.  2 canon flashes, opposite of each other, pointed to the back/side of my face at a 45 degree angle.  You can see where the brighter highlights are on the sides of the face from them.  1 strobe pointed at background to make the spotlight behind my head.

Details:  I wanted this portrait to be a little dramatic with lots of shadows.  I was pretending I was a soul musician as I got into character.

Day 37/365

Click to Enlarge

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