Monday, November 7, 2011


Today Ashley and I  received our Creatadome from Moyeh.  If you haven't gotten one of these hand crafted pieces, please head over to her facebook page and inquire about them, they are warm, cozy and one-of-a-kind.  Moye is an inspiration to my art and I look up to her body of work.  Please check out her website and you will see what I am talking about.

For this shot I used a three light set up.  For the main light I used a really big softbox camera right and the power was set to 1/2 power.  For the hair light, I used a strip box and the power was set to 1/4 power.  This is typical for these type of shots, usually you do a 1:2 ratio on the power between the main light and hair light.  All factors can be changed, this is just a starting point and it really depends how far your light is away from your subject and what-not.  For the spot light behind my head, I used a off camera flash with a grid over it and pointed it at the wall behind me. 

Click to Enlarge

For this shot of Ashley, we stepped outside and used some sunlight for some beautiful hair light.  I also used a canon 580ex flash on camera to add some fill light to her face.  My settings on camera were f/4.5 at 1/200 and iso 200 and the flash setting were set at 1/16 power set to manual.

Click to Enlarge

Day 36/365


  1. very nice! i am loving the photos today! thanks for the info you added in the captions...always look forward to your work bro!

  2. Thank you sir, go get you one of these hats, for real, super warm for winter time.
