Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A little action.... end my afternoon of work.  I was pulling off of hwy 49 in Concord onto 601 and was about five minutes from the house.  I was stopped at a light and all of a sudden, two fire trucks came screaming by heading down the ramp back onto 49.  So, being my adventurous self, I took chase.  I could see as I was heading down the highway ramp, about two miles out, thick clouds of black smoke billowing into the sky.  As I pulled up onto the scene a couple of firefighters were already on the scene.  Most of them must have just gotten there because they were still trying to get the hoses connected to a fire hydrant.  The fire was intense, I could feel it all the way across the 4 lanes of road and a median.  The building looked like a mechanic shop, but you really couldn't tell from all of the smoke. 

I don't bring my camera with me too often and today just happened to be one of those days I did.  I wish I had brought my telephoto lens because all I had was my 50mm prime and I was pretty far away.  Better than nothing though.  The fire pretty much ate up the whole left side of the building, there wasn't much the firefighters could do to save it.  It took them about 30 minutes or so to finally get the blaze under control.

Here are some pictures of the event.

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Day 43/365

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