Sunday, November 20, 2011

The battle of the ugly sweaters goes to....

I would like to say that all three of us had a blast doing this, but I would be lying.  They were skeptical at first, asking me too many questions like "Daddy, why I got this ugly sweater on daddy?"  "Daddy, why come I have to sit on this stool?"  I told them to keep their traps shut and just obey my commands. 

Before I started though, as you should with all of your models, I made sure they had enough water in their bowls.  Nothing worse than model with a dry mouth, slobber hanging everywhere, it's just not a good look.  I placed them both on my posing tool and began by giving them some simple instructions.  "Eddie, chin up just a tad,"  "Frank Frank, your back foot is too far back, bring it forward a couple of inches."  They were having nothing to do with it, they were planning their escape from the beginning.  I kept it short and sweet, I popped off about 8 shots and then let them recover from their traumatic experience.  Life is tough when you're a dog.

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Day 46/365

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