Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Practice, Practice, Practice

Finished up most of my work from these last couple of shoots so I had some time to play around with something I have been wanting to try for awhile now.  For the set-up of this shot I used a strip box with an alienbee strobe above a plastic container that held the water.  I also used two canon flashes, one to the right of the camera and one to the left of the camera with grid spots on each.  I also went to the store and bought some black poster board to use as a background.  I had the strip box above set to 1/2 power and each of the two flashes set to 1/16 power.  My camera settings were f/11(for  overall sharpness) and 1/200(to freeze the action) at ISO 100.  It took me about 50 takes to get this shot, and I'm still not completely satisfied with it.  I dropped everything from marbles to lego men in that water.  I will come with some better images another day, it was fun trying though.

Click for Higher Resolution

Day 65/365


  1. awesome mike... reminds me of this water drop project i haven't been able to master! maybe you could try this one too :)

  2. oops, i didn't even copy the link! http://strobist.blogspot.com/2009/05/how-to-photograph-water-drops-with-one.html

  3. Yeah i have seen that before, i might try that today. What trouble are you having with it?
