Friday, December 30, 2011

Food for Thought

My fiance Ashley helped me with some of my photography tonight.  Her job on the set was food stylist.  What an excellent job she did, she's always game for my photography adventures.  I was watching some videos last night about food photography so I decided to try it out with dinner today.  We made chili covered in tater tots and cheese....MIGHTY HEALTHY....sometimes you have to splurge, you are only here for a short while anyway. 
For the set up it was pretty simple, one light source, a soft box umbrella with a canon flash.  I also used two reflectors to add some fill light to the dark shadows of the chili.  It's really intricate work and it's nice to be able to set up how you want the food to look.  I meant to take a picture of my set up but I forgot and didn't remember until I had broken everything down.  I want to add a picture of how I set up my stuff from now on and maybe it will help the six people reading this blog.  I did a horrible job of doing a rendition of the set up in Illustrator but you will get the point.

Click for Bigger Picture

Click for Higher Resolution

  Day 71/365

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