Friday, December 16, 2011

A Basic Necessity

I was washing my hands and then I started thinking about how thankful I am that I have clean water.  How I have a place to call home.  A telephone to call someone.  A car to get me from place to place.  Food in my refrigerator  Some people have none of these things.  Some people don't know where there next meal is coming from.  Where they are going to lay their head at night.  Where will they wash their hands.  Sometimes we forget about the small things, like water, which are big things for other people who lack it.

Click for Higher Resolution

I just had a meeting yesterday with the organizer of Speak Up magazine Matt Shaw, and we are going to collaborate and come out with some work that will definitely make you laugh, cry and hopefully gain a little knowledge about the homeless situation going on here in Charlotte.  You can also check out their website to get more information about them and their cause.  I will let you know next Thursday as the first edition of this piece is going to be ready.

Be Thankful

Day 62/365

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