Monday, December 5, 2011

The Hand-Me-Down

This camera was my dads, given to me by my brother for me to use, it is the Canon A-1.  I have only used it on a couple of occasions and one of the times, I messed up and opened the back part up before the film was all the way rewound and it ruined my whole roll.  There are two lenses that I received with the camera, a 75mm-300mm f/3.5-f/5.6 telephoto zoom lens and a 50mm f/1.2.  The 50mm is pretty much what I use with this camera and it is a super fast lens, I'm sure this one cost a pretty penny back in the day.  The Canon A-1 was introduced to the world in 1978, right before I was born.  It was the first camera in history to have an electroinically controlled exposure mode which a lot of traditionalists were mad at because they said that the camera too much "automation" and it ruined the art of photography.  I never got the chance to ask my dad about his camera and what exactly he used it for.  I don't remember any photographs hanging on our walls but I do have a lot of pictures from my childhood but I'm not sure with what camera they were taken with.  I always wonder if I got my love of photography from him, maybe it runs in the family.  Maybe he just bought it because it was the new thing to have (which he was known to do.)  I'd like to think it was because he had the intention to change the world with it, just like me.

For this picture, I used one strobe and one canon flash.  For the main light I used my strobe with a 7" reflector on it with a grid spot, camera left, at about a 45 degree angle pointed down.  The grid spot helps to diffuse and direct the light in a more concentrated area.  I wanted the camera to stand out and make it the focal point by using the two lights.  The second light was a Canon 580ex flash positioned camera right, behind the Canon A-1, with a grid spot on it also.  The only thing I wish I did differently was to add a white reflector to the right of the camera to open up the shadows a little bit. 

Click to Enlarge

Day 54/365

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