Boy I love me some hot sauce, I think it adds flavor to every meal. I love all kinds of hot sauce, from mild to burn your face off hot sauce. One christmas my sister and niece got me a bottle of hot sauce and it was called "colon cleanser", I loved it, I used the whole bottle. My face gets sweaty just thinking about hot sauce, I can feel it getting all warm. Just thought I'd share that with you, now you know something that you might not have about me. Anyone else care to share something personal about them....hmmmm?
My nephew came over and we had fun playing with some strobes and flashes. The shot of me with the hot sauce we used a total of 5 all together. One main light beauty dish camera right up high and about 45 degrees to the subject. The second light was a strobe with a grid spot on it to the left of the subject to light up the back of the hat. Light number three, a flash was used to light up the hot sauce bottle from the back and was located to the back, right of the subject with a grid spot pointed in the direction of the bottle. Light number four was also a flash which was left, and behind the subject to add a little rim light and to light up more of the hat also with a grid spot. The fifth light was positioned on the floor pointing up to skim across the background to light it up a little bit.
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For my nephew's shot, we used a three light set up and a silver reflector. Two lights were on both sides of him about a foot away. The third light was blasted towards the back of his head for the rim light. I wanted this shot to play with a little more shadows. Apparently he likes lighters, he doesn't smoke, but decided he would like to play with them. That is something about him you might not have to share something personal yet?
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Day 51/365