Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back in the day they used to

Today I went to Central Piedmont Community College to meet up with my nephew Brandon Leighton.  He is taking some film photography classes right now and needed a subject so I obliged.  He was shooting with a Mamiya C330 twin-lens reflex camera.  We were just using the artificial light by a window and a white board for some fill light on the darker side of my face. 

I haven't developed film since my high school days in '96, so needless to say....it's  been a minute.  He walked me through the process and I remembered how daunting a task it is.  You tend to appreciate your artwork more through this process as it is a labor of love.  It is amazing how far technology has come and that film is not used as much these days, it's kind of sad.  It's like when I was in high school and they were starting to switch from cassette tapes to cd's.  I said "I'm never going to buy a cd," that didn't last very long, you are kind of forced to convert.  But as technology changes, the old dies and they are slowly forgotten with fond memories.  It is a magical thing watching the photo come to life in the tray.  I had shot a roll myself with my dad's old Canon A-1 earlier last week but I messed up and opened the back too early before I rewound the film and all of my pictures were ruined.  Lesson learned. 

So here is a picture(2/365) for my project "Life is a "trip"...."  It's from  inside the darkroom with just a little light.  I shot it with my Sigma 50mm F1.4 at 1/30 of a second at a very high ISO of 3200.  This is taken right from the camera and just converted from RAW to JPG.

Thanks for stopping by and leave a little love or some constructive criticism.

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