Wednesday, September 21, 2011

From this moment on

Hey, my name is Michael Dickerson and this is my blog, BAM!  What an intro right?  I will be spilling my life onto these pages in the hopes of somehow figuring out something about something.  Make any sense(cents)?  No?  Then we are on the right page.  I really have no clue about what I am doing, but I'm just doing it like Nike says.  I hope to find my voice on here, and from that, learn a couple things about myself.
My focus will be on my journey in photography.  I have been entrenched in learning everything I can about the art and I will aslo share what I have learned to others in the hopes they will share it with someone else, and so on.  "Each one, teach one."

I will also be starting my 365 day project where I will post at least one photo from that day.  Thank you for your time and I will holler at y'all monday when I get back from my boy Nick's bachelor party in D.C.

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