Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

I love to get out and drive, and drive, and get lost.  When I am lost it feels like I am in a new world where everything I see is brand new.  I feel like a kid and all of the wonderment of the world is open to exploration.  I usually drive alone, and slow, and get lost in my thoughts, and I find it extremely relaxing (I feel sorry for the people driving behind me on those one-lane roads though, I can feel them breathing down my neck.)  I have to tell you the truth, sometimes I don't find anything on my drives, or if I do, the light is not right and I will jot it down in my notepad and come back another day.  It's not always about the pictures, but more about me being at peace with the world.  I get into a zen like state and everything else goes dark.

Today while driving I spotted a body of water and it seemed like a pretty big one.  I followed the road and came upon a cove where you could park.  It seemed to be a pretty big lake/pond but I never saw a sign for it.  There was a sign attached to tree and it said "please pay before you fish," and since I wasn't fishing I figured it was all game and I really wouldn't have known who to pay any way because there were really no houses around.  The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon and I set up in a perfect spot as the sun was setting.

Here is the image I had time to work on before my time was up to post my image for the day 3/365.  It is an shot composed of 3 exposures (0, +1, and -1.)  I merged them together in my HDR Efex pro from Nik Software.  I don't usually push it too far in my HDR, it just helps me get all of the tones from the scene.  Hope y'all enjoy.


  1. i love everything about this post! getting lost is my favorite way to find great spots and shots. the photo is fantastic mike. we should travel around and get lost one day together!

  2. that sounds awesome, I need some new places to get lost :)

  3. maybe we could go to clover and do your trash the dress idea.
