Monday, September 26, 2011

And then the rain fell

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  I went to DC for a friend's bachelor party and got to see The Leg Warmers perform.  They are an 80's cover band, pretty dope, check them out if you are ever out that way.  Today starts my "Life is a "trip"...." of posting at least one photo every day for the next year.  I'm pretty excited about getting this started and I have wanted to for a long time.  I have only been photographing seriously for a little over a year and I am still finding my niche.  It is a process and I accept that.  Through hard work and dedication I feel that the stars are the limit.  "Do what you love, love what you do." 

Today I had the chance of shooting a session with Tinesha Matthews and the band Blu Avenue.  Tinesha had requested that I find a band so she could "rock out."  I had located a place in Concord, NC that I drive by a lot, an old building with some pretty interesting characteristics.  It took about 30 min or so to set up all of the equipment:  band stuff, lighting stuff and by that time, about 7pm, the clouds started rolling in.  I knew the rain would be soon to follow so we got off about 30 shots or so before we had to race and get everything packed up again.  Overall it was a lot of fun, minus the mosquitos, and minus the rain.  One thing I have learned in my short photography career is to go with the flow.  You can't control mother nature and you just have to get what you can out of a situation.

A little about the set up that I used:  I used a Canon 5d mkII with a Canon 28-70mm f2.8 L lens attached.  My setting on my camera was f9.0 and 1/100 of a second.  Attached to my camera and triggering the flashes was Cybersync transmitter and receivers.  1 Alienbees B800 flash unit camera right with an 86" inch umbrella attached on a boom arm.  I had that set to a little over 3/4 power because I had so many people to light up.  The strobe was powered with my Vagabond Mini Lithium I also had 2 canon 580ex's flashes to the right and left behind the band to give some Rim Light.  I would have liked to play with the position of these more but the weather was not permitting it.  These both were set at 1/2 power and shot through 46" inch umbrellas.  I also used a step ladder on some of the shots to get a higher perspective.  Here is the photo that stuck out most to me and this is straight out of the camera, the only thing I did was convert it from RAW to JPG. 

So here is my 1st of many photos to come on my "Life is a "trip"...." hope y'all enjoyed.  Please leave some comments or questions if you have any.