Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I wanted to play with some shadows and that's what I did.  Thought it would be cool to add another dimension also so I added some water in the mix.  I had my subject (who will be left un-named, and definitely not tagged on facebook) submerge themselves in some bath water.  I had a flash set up on a stand pointing down at the subject and in between I set up a plant so the light would throw shapes on my subject's face.  I had the flash set to 1/32 power and my zoom was set to 80mm so it would produce a more direct light source.  Also attached to the flash was a grid spot.  The subject's head was to the left of the plant in the picture.
In photoshop I turned the picture into a black and white image and then toned it with a blue because I thought it played well with her ambiguous look. 

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Click for Higher Resolution

Day 74/365

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