Friday, January 6, 2012

Half Full

Today I wanted to play with some liquid again so I set up basically the same light situation as yesterday(2-lights).  I started off with some Modelo in a glass, and I wanted to take some pictures of the bubbles, kind of like a beer commercial.  I found out that in order to light up beer how I wanted, the beer being a very rich color, I needed one of my light sources directly behind the glass.  A softbox directly behind would have been better but I wouldn't have come across this great pattern if I hadn't been using my umbrella.  I turned off the light in the front and moved the umbrella in the back to the left of the glass and shot a frame, I loved how the pattern played with the light.  This just shows, try different things, you never know what you will come away with.  I knew once I saw this shot, I changed my plans of a beer commercial into a fine art piece.  This is a simple one light set up, with nothing more than an umbrella and a flash.  I didn't take any pictures this time because I was positioning my light in so many different positions it would have been impossible, well nearly.  I would have liked to use a softbox next time and get some better definition on the bright side of the glass towards the top.
Camera was set to f/9 at 1/00sec to obatin a good bit of depth of field.  Flash was set to 1/8power.  I brought the image into photoshop and played with the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and some contrast, sharpened it just a tad and that was it.

Day 76/365

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