Thursday, January 5, 2012

Neon Drops With Just a Few Props

I wanted to do some more splash photography so I went and picked up some clear balls from Michael's.  I read on someone's blog about these specific ones that they sell there.  I used a colorful plate with some water on the bottom, not too much, but enough to make a splash.  I tried various angles and perspectives for composition and dropping the balls from different heights to get some different looks.  I think I shot close to 300 pictures just playing around with various ideas.  I found that dropping the clear balls from a higher perspective gives some good splash effects.  This is something fun to try to break up the cycle of editing photos and gets your brain working artistically.  I brought the image into photoshop and changed the color of the plate using the the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer, a little sharpening and some darkening of the shadows and BAM! this is what you get.  Like I said, I have a lot of crazy shots but this one is probably one of the best shots from the session.
For the set up I used two flashes, two umbrella softboxes, and a black background.  I show the position of the umbrellas in the video below.

Day 75/365

Click for Higher Resolution


  1. another thing you can play around with is different color backgrounds... you had a black background here... if you used a piece of green or blue [anything] cardstock, it'll give you a bunch of colorful effects! not sure if i've shown you this yet but you should check it out... maybe learn something new!

  2. Yeah I think that's the same one you sent before, it's all good though. I had tried using different colored backgrounds but I was going for a cleaner look on this particular shot. I think I want to try food coloring next time, milk, something.
