Saturday, April 28, 2012

1 year ago

I met a young boy named Noah.  He was only 14 days old at the time of our first shoot.  It truly is amazing how fast time flies when we are caught up in the rat race.  He is now walking and getting into everything he can get his little hands on.

Thank you Sheena for allowing me the opportunity to photograph your son Noah again, you have a wonderful family.

click for being the apple in someone's eye

One year before
click for family

Day 127/Life

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Went to the Biltmore today for the first time

Lightning storms and torrential downpours couldn't stop the group from Weddington Hills Elementary.  The Biltmore house is amazing, the architecture is out of this world.  The attention to every single little detail is simply mind blowing.  I would close my eyes and imagine the people who had lived in this house and how very comfortable they must have lived.  The views of the mountains leave you speechless.

click for not caring

Day 126/Life

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From a seed

to a tree, what you plant in your mind, becomes your reality.

click for clicking on something that clicks

Day 125/Life

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bird on Fence

Hold on to your dreams, because without them, life is a bird with a broken wing.

click for being able to fly

Day 124/Life

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The World

If I could read the mind of our dog Eddie, it would appear something like this.  Cat, lizard, find, sniff, pause, look, bark, sniff, pause, find, look, bark, wait....inside please, bark, water, outside please, bark, cat, lizard, find, sniff, pause, look, bark, wait....inside please, bark, water, eat, outside please, bark, poop, cat, lizard, find, sniff, look, pause, bark, wait....inside please, bark, water, couch, sleep....

click for unconditional love

Day 123/Life

Monday, April 16, 2012

The story goes like this...

A long time ago, a young girl was supposed to get married to her one and only true love.  As she stepped out onto her balcony to bask in the glory of the day, the banister broke and she plunged to her death below.  Her parents were so distraught that they abandoned the house and left it to rot. 

The young girl's spirit still roams the house aimlessly, waiting for her wedding night that will never come.  It is said that on the anniversary of her death, a girl can be heard through the house humming the tune to "Here Comes the Bride".

Day 122/Life

Sunday, April 15, 2012

10 days old

Can you imagine?  What if you could go back in time and apply what you know now, how different would your life be? the path you are on now your destiny? 

Little Sally Jane, welcome to a most wonderful world.  You are already blessed beyond belief with such a great family.  I wish you the best in all that life has to offer.

click for being adorable

Day 121/Life